Saturday, December 29, 2012


I hope that you all had the Merriest Christmas!  It has been some time since my last post - though before you judge me to harshly, let me say that life has been full to the brim with activity.  During the Christmas season, on top of the normal schedule of piano lessons, the dog's weekly vet visit, housework (ha!), and errands, you must add visiting with family, chocolate tastings (which was awesome!), church programs, baking, volunteering, shopping, wrapping - and let's not forget shoveling out from under the blizzard.  Of course, the positive was that we all enjoyed a white Christmas, right?

The last four weeks I have been ridiculously busy and was promptly taught a  "lesson in moderation".  On Christmas morning I woke up at 2am, thereabouts, with the flu.  For three long and grueling days I could not get vertical, could not eat, and had all the attributes only a full-fledged flu can give.  The family helped as much as they could and tried their best to sprinkle a little spirit all around me, in between my bathroom visits and naps, that is. Poor things.  I am now the poster-girl for the flu shot!

Before any further delays occur (Murphy's Law) I'm going to show you a few of the things I have made and would be happy to share any of the recipes with you - just pop me an email if you'd like one.   I would include them all, but this will already be a lengthy post and assuming you're pretty much done with your holiday baking, there doesn't seem to be much need. 

Before the holiday whirlwind landed, I had planned to share this simple dessert that I found last year.  It is so lovely (and easy) that it will be added to my yearly Christmas baking.  Ina Garten's Cranberry Apple Cake.  I'm only going to include the finished photo; the recipe will be at the end of the post.

 Tart, sweet, cinnamon-y!  SO good...


 Cranberry, pretzel extreme bark

 Coconut macaroons

Pretzel, rolo turtles...


 Santa Hats!

Jar Mixes for gifts!

 There are so many resources online!

Not to mention Pinterest!  Oh my goodness, pinterest!

When I was 12, I had a "bad experience" with egg nog.  

This year we reacquainted.  

Someone else likes it, too, and isn't inclined to share.
 Not to worry, she has the "cocoa" version....

One of the best things I've learned how to do.  I absolutely love peppermint mocha coffee (and apparently, so does my daughter), but unless you've got a BOGO coupon $3.99ish just seems like way too much for a little indulgence.  There's no real science to this so just experiment with what tastes best to you.

Here's what I did...

1 package of instant cocoa (I like the dark)
peppermint extract
strong coffee
milk (this can be half and half or 2% for "skinny")
whipped cream
chocolate syrup

Mix cocoa powder, about 3/4 cup hot coffee, a few drops of peppermint extract in a measuring bowl and microwave.  Stir until the cocoa is all dissolved.  Taste and see if it needs more peppermint.  Add in your milk and stir again.  If it cools down too much, just reheat a bit more.  Pour into cups and add whipped cream and chocolate syrup.

1 pkg of cocoa can stretch to make 2 coffee drinks if you don't mind a little less intense chocolate flavor.

Click here to go to the link for Ina's cranberry apple cake.

Since the kids missed their holiday party due to snow, they will enjoy it when they return next week.  So, I'll round out the holiday baking with some white chocolate pretzels, dark chocolate cupcakes and some Christmas cut-out cookies.

Winter is now in full swing.  Time to hunker down and take care of all those indoor jobs.  I'm looking forward to new recipes and new adventures for the new year.  

Hope you survived your holiday festivities.  We are planning to have a quiet New Year's Eve celebration.  Thanks for hanging in there with me!  Don't forget that I would love to receive some of your favorite recipes.