Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Josie Makes Pancit!

America is the melting pot.  It's what we believe, and as foodies, we'd be lying if we said that a cheeseburger and slice of apple pie is enough to satisfy our food cravings.  The truth is, it's probably what we eat the least of.  Keeping a fork full of food ethnicity and a bowlful of appreciation of diversity is what makes cooking so wonderful.  So many countries have contributed some of the best ingredients and flavors and we should be eager to experience and devour them all.

A couple of weeks ago we went to visit my brother and his wife up in Nebraska.  I hadn't seen them since he had returned from his tour in Afghanistan - about 2 years - much too long!  My sister-in-law is the sweetest person I know (besides my mother - right, mom?) and a phenomenal cook.  Being from the Philippines, she has a broad range of food talent.

Since our daughter was turning 11, we had a little family party for her.  Josie made her signature dish - pancit!   This may very well be the most photo documented post I have done or will ever do.  But it's a recipe worth a thousand pictures.  It isn't difficult, but like all time-honored recipes, it takes a little time and is well worth all the time it takes.

 Start by sauteing a medium onion and 4 (or more) cloves of garlic.  You feel free to add more garlic if you like garlic - which we do.

 Cook till they're nice and softened.


 Josie's secret ingredient for the best pancit.  Boil the shells from one pound of shrimp to make a shrimp broth to be added in later.

Shred the meat from 2 cooked chicken breasts and add them to the onion/garlic mixture.

 Add the pound of shrimp and stir together.  Once the shrimp are pink, take them out.  It's okay if you take out a little chicken with it.

Slice 2 carrots into chunky strips.

 In addition to the shrimp (shell) broth, you'll also need some chicken broth and soy sauce.  Josie recommends this Philippines brand.

Here we are (Josie, me, mom) gathered in the kitchen, cooking, laughing, sampling - and no man in sight!  (well, they're outside waiting for us to hurry up - and we're inside taking our time.
  ha ha ha!)

 Add your carrots and some frozen green beans....

 Add one head of cabbage, shredded.

 Looking good so far...

 Add one red pepper, cut into strips....

Time for some seasonings...

Add some chicken broth, soy sauce, and the shrimp (shell) broth.

Add a little pepper.

 You'll use Rice Stick - rice noodles.  Soften them in some water and then cut in half.

 Put a lid on it and let it cook down for about 10-15 minutes.

Check that the cabbage is wilting and that all the veggies are swimming nicely in the liquids.

 Remove all the veggies and put them in a bowl to the side.  Add in your softened rice stick and let it begin to soak up all the liquid.

 Now you can decide if it needs more liquid or more soy flavor.    
Can you really have too much soy sauce?

 Add back in your cooked shrimp.

 Add your veggies back in with the noodles and stir, stir, stir, till you can stir no more.

Ahhh, you are done!   This is so good and I hope you'll try spreading your culinary wings a bit to try this one. 

This feeds an army, so if you live with an army or have an army on the way, you're ready to go!  If it's just the two of you, you'll have a rare week off from cooking.  This makes wonderful leftovers!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks good, thats like 20lbs of food
