Pull Up a Porch Swing

...and visit a while. 

My name is Stacey.   I'm a busy wife and mom that writes a little, volunteers, takes a few pictures, and cooks a lot.  Repeat.  Just like you I do a few other things like feed the dog and the frog.  My house redusts itself just to annoy me.  Dirty laundry shows up mysteriously after I thought I had just put up the last load.  What?  This sounding familiar to you, too?

Cooking saves me.  Problems seem smaller and life's a little brighter when I start cooking with a little Sydney Bechet or Billy Holiday in the background.  The house takes in all the aromas and everything seems alll right with the world. 

I actually think cooking is the one thing (besides my kids) that I never stop talking about.  (My friends will probably attest to that).  Of course I don't get to talk 24/7, so I enjoy it every chance I get.
This blog will help my cause. 

I'm a transplant from a small town in Georgia to a small town in Wisconsin.  Biscuits and gravy to brats and kraut.  People up here tell me that I still have my southern twang, but folks down South will tell me that I just don't sound right anymore.  I am currently without country - or so it seems.

Cooking helps me bloom where I'm planted.  Who knows, maybe someday I'll get to bloom back home again.  But until then, may as well enjoy the ride!   I look forward to hearing about your favorite recipes, tips, and favorite kitchen tools!

When I'm not cooking, spending time with the family, or getting bossed around by my calendar, I try to squeeze in other interests like:

Photography - see a few photos here (click)


Check out a couple of my small books here.

For a list of fun family places and some of my other favorite things - see the "Alphabet Soup" tab in this blog!  (or click here)

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