Monday, September 3, 2012

Maters, maters, nothin' but maters

Just the sound of it, PANZANELLA.  It just sounds like something you want to eat, doesn't it?   Such a simple dish, a peasant's dish actually.  It uses up the old stale bread and anything else that was on hand.

Now is a good time to make it - it's harvest time.


Start out with some wine vinegar,  olive oil, a rustic crusty bread (day old or dried), and basil

 Combine chopped tomatoes, onion, zucchini, garlic, black olives, feta cheese 
(I didn't have olives sad.)
Toss your veggies with everything but the bread.  Let it hang out at room temp for an hour. 
 It'll have a good time, don't you worry.

When keeping fresh herbs, you can place most of them in a container of cool water in the window.   Parsley is really lovely to look at.  For rosemary, which does love it's leaves to stay moist, you can wrap it in a damp paper towel and store in the fridge.

 Use fresh-cracked pepper and a little fleur de sel if you have it.

 Using a serrated knife, cut the bread into cubes. 
 Let it continue to air dry while your veggies are practicing their Italian.
"mama mia, oh, mio dio!"

 If you were able to wait the hour, toss in the bread and mix gently, but thoroughly.  I don't know about you, but for me, this is dinner.  No meat needed, here.  

Now, go outside, put up your feet and relax a little.
(recipe at the bottom of the page)

 Più Pomodori!
(More tomatoes!)

This year I planted a tomato plant named something along the lines of  "one million".  And that's about what I got - one million (or more) tiny little grape-sized maters.   I mentioned earlier that my big beefsteak maters came down with blight, so I bought them from the local farmer's market each week.  I LOVE tomatoes and when I have a few I always make these favorites.  Sometimes the simplest recipes are the BEST!

Caprese salad.  Fresh tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, fresh basil.  
Simple but delicious!

Tomato sandwich.  Fresh tomatoes, mayo, and good whole-grain bread.

Little nibbles.  Slices of fresh cucs, a spread of cream cheese, slices of cherry tomatoes.


1 1/2 - 2 cups chopped zucchini
1 1/2 - 2 cups chopped tomatoes
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped black olives
1/4-1/2 cup chopped basil
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
3 T wine vinegar
2  t minced garlic
salt and pepper to taste
5-6 cups firm-textured bread cubes (dried)

Toss all ingredients except bread in a large bowl; let stand at room temperature to develop flavor, tossing occasionally, 1/2 to 1 hour.  Toss in bread just before serving.  Makes 4-6 servings.


  1. Your caprese tomatoes reminded me of an app we had at a restaurant on jekyll. It was the same except they used fried green tomatoes. They had a mustard dipping sauce. It was amazing!!! I also had fried green tomato parmesan. It was just like chicken parmesan but with fried green tomatoes insteado of chicken. SOOOOO good!! Some ideas to do with tomatoes next season?

    1. I love fried green tomatoes. There's a place near mom's work that serves them with a sour cream / horseradish sauce. Wow! The chicken parmesan-style tomato sounds delicious! Thanks so much for the recommendations. I'm so sad that growing season is nearly done and all that will be left are hothouse tomatoes. blah! (PS - thanks so much for visiting the site!)
