Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Panko Perfection

This time of year fall and summer wrestle over weather-ownership.  Some days are cool, and some days are just downright hot.  Summer puts up a good fight, but ultimately fall always wins and pumpkins everywhere rejoice!

A few days ago I did a post on soup because it was cold and rainy.  The temperature today climbed to 86 degrees, which meant I didn't want to heat up the kitchen.   What to do?  How about a salad? 

But not just any salad - panko chicken salad.

It's no secret that I love panko crumbs.  Light, crispy, golden goodness enhances anything it embraces.  As much as I love panko; panko loves chicken.  When you make this chicken, rainbows just seem appear out of nowhere.

Start with your salad.  

You can use any ingredients you like.  
I'm keeping it pretty simple today.  

 I actually pulled it all from the garden, well, except for that gi-normous cucumber; it's a farmer's market "rambo special" I found.  They grow all kinds these days...

Prepare your panko-goodness...

You get to have a little fun here.  I've mixed panko crumbs, salt/pepper, shredded parmesan cheese, and some Penzeys Mural of Flavor.  
You could add any spices you enjoy... 

...minced rosemary, thyme, garlic, a little cayenne - any or all would work really well.  

So let your hair down and throw open the spice drawer with wild abandon!  Probably should make sure the spouse won't be home for a while!

 Prepare the chicken...

Time for a kitchen safety minute - it really is a good idea to have one cutting board reserved for chicken to avoid cross-contamination.  Also, you can use "clean cuisine" gloves.  These gloves are made for food use.  If you don't use gloves, sing the alphabet while you wash your hands.  (back to the program)

Now, you get to take one chicken breast 
and turn it into two:

To butterfly the breast, insert the knife in the meatiest part of the breast then slowly begin to cut horizontally and evenly until you've cut through the entire length of the breast.  

Open it up like a book and then cut to separate down the middle.  Be sure to cut the fat away before you continue.

You've just made two meals out of one breast.  Woo-hoo!  
You are officially a frugal culinary rock star!

This a great dish to make on "one of those days" or any time you need to burn off a little steam. 

(I'm sure you don't need me to give you any examples.)

Find your meat mallet.  Hopefully, it didn't wind up in your tackle box.  It's probably lost in the dark black abyss of the utensil drawer.  

Best to use the flat side, not the piercing side you see here, or you'll end up with a chicken waffle!

Place the chicken breast in a zip bag, begin to pound the living daylights, er, uh, I mean gently persuade the chicken to relax into a nice, even 1/4" thickness.

Now it's time to give the chicken breast a little spa treatment.  

 Since you've just unloaded your bad day on the poor, undeserving breast, it could use a dip into the egg pool...'s the least you can do.

Now you get to play "Where's Waldo" with the chicken.  

Can you see it?

Press the panko-goodness onto each side of each breast...

Heat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.  
Add in a little olive oil and a tablespoon of butter.

Brown the chicken on both sides.  This will take about 5 minutes per side since they are so thin.  If the breading is getting browned too quickly, turn down the heat.  
You want to make sure the chicken is cooked through and juices run clear.  

Chicken should read an internal temperature of 165 degrees.  Safety First!

Once done, allow the chicken to rest a couple of minutes on a cutting board.  
Slice the chicken and place on top of your beautiful salad.  

Yes, I slipped in a superfood - thank you for noticing.

I hope you'll try this recipe. The chicken stays juicy, the panko light and crispy.  
Pour over your favorite dressing and this is a lovely dinner (or lunch) anytime.

Panko Chicken Salad (for two)

1 chicken breast, divided into two.
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese
Penzeys Mural of Flavor or other spice blend
1 cup panko crumbs
olive oil
Your favorite prepared salad

Butterfly the chicken breast and then separate into 2 pieces.  Place one piece into a zip bag and pound to 1/4" thickness.  Continue with the other breast.

In a shallow bowl large enough to hold the chicken breast, beat the egg and set aside.  

Mix panko, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, and spice blend into another large shallow dish.

Heat skillet over medium-high heat and add olive oil and butter to coat the bottom of the pan.

Place each half of the chicken breast in to the egg and then coat with the panko mixture.  Place chicken in the skillet and cook until juices run clear, panko is golden brown on both sides and chicken registers 165 degrees.

Take chicken out and place onto a cutting board to rest 2-3 minutes.  Slice chicken crosswise into strips and place on top of salad.  Add your favorite dressing and enjoy!


  1. I love a good fried chicken salad! This reminds me....I need to get more panko!

  2. Now that looks amazing!!!
