Sunday, August 26, 2012


Each year some friends of ours throw their annual backyard version of "Woodstock".  Conveniently, their last name just happens to be "Wood".  I'm saying that just to clarify that it's not exactly within the same perimeters as the ever-popular 1960s version.  Oh, there's great people, really great food, and fantastic music.  But we're, huh, what you would say only high on LIFE.

Anywho, our gracious hosts provide the main meal and the guests bring everything else - a potluck of sorts.  Since what I brought last year worked out so well (nothing left over), I figured, why reinvent the wheel?  So I was a repeat offender and took the same dishes:  Corn relish and pineapple ice box pie.  mmmmm, delish!
Recipes to follow.

Just looks like summer!  Fresh from the garden!

After you've chopped all the veggies, time to make the dressing...

A little vinegar, a little sugar, a little oil.

Stir, chill, serve. 

And of course, the easiest icebox pie ever!  This is my go-to when I have no time to spare.  It is such a great hot summer's day treat.  Not too heavy, not too sweet.

Essentially, here's what you'll need.  Apparently the thought of making this put my brain on a little vaca and I forgot to take a picture of the ingredients added to the bowl - See the white peaks of sour cream popping out of the bowl?  Whoops! 

Don't mind if I do...

I love making an extra-thick graham cracker crust for any cream pie.  

Ready for the recipes?

Corn Relish

1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup veggie oil
3 cups cooked corn (fresh is best, but frozen is okay)
1 cup chopped tomato
1/4 cup diced red onion
1/2 cup green pepper, chopped
salt and celery seed to taste

Combine the sugar, vinegar and oil in a small bowl.  Set aside.  Combine all other ingredients in a large bowl and pour over sugar mixture.  Chill at least 2 hours and serve.

This is so good on its own as a side, but most folks scooped it up with scooper corn chips like a salsa.  Whatever works!!

Pineapple Icebox Pie

1 small box instant vanilla pudding mix (used dry)
1 8 oz. can of crushed pineapple, with the juice
2 cups sour cream
1 prepared graham cracker crust (store-bought or homemade)

Combine dry pudding mix, crushed pineapple with juice, and sour cream in a large bowl.  Mix well, ensuring all pudding mix is incorporated.  Pour into graham cracker crust and chill at least 1 hour.  Prepare to be hailed a rockstar!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh this just looks so delicious!I am wishing I could reach through my computer and just pull it out of the screen thank you fo the recipe.
