Friday, August 24, 2012

How it all came to be.

When was the last time I skipped?  Heaven knows!  But isn't that the point?  Somewhere along the way some of us stopped skipping.  It's more like we run in an effervescent, "big bear chase me" sort of way.      The calendar beats us into submission constantly.  Eventually, somethings gotta give.  

Can a skip be delicious?  I don't know, but it sounds good - so we're going to roll with it.

Consider that none of us are grown-ups....we're more like "growing ups", a constant work in progress.  When we think we've "arrived" for lack of a better word, we get way too serious and forget to enjoy the journey that all those self-help books are always talking about.  Even the most delicious wines take a little time, so while we're aging, why not not make the most of it?  Slow down, make a few new friends, reacquaint with the family and just skip a while.  Make sure your finger is pointed at the right definition now - don't skip over anything - just give your otherwise dreary walk a little energy, a bit of a lift, and an intentional pause.  I need this reminder. 

Yes, of course all at the same time.  We are master multi-taskers.  We are ninjas.

So, I thought to myself, how shall I do this - document my clumsy attempts and misadventures?  I'm not the most graceful or sexy cook.  I don't see the Next Food Network Star in any of my constellations any time soon.   Then it hit me like a library edition of War and Peace - B L O G.  Yes, I'm aware that there's a million blogs out there, and that's okay.  I'm sure there's enough blog-love to go around.   Blogging simply seemed the most efficient vehicle to talk food (which I think I'm capable of doing 24/7), take pictures, and meet other people as foodie as me. 

Will this blog be about food?  Yes, Goodness, Yes!  But wo-man can't shouldn't live by bread alone - so it'll be about other things that feed us.  There are so many things that interest me, so many recipes to try, so many cookbooks to peruse, things I need to learn about gardening, ingredients I haven't used!  OH MY!  If it has anything remotely to do with food, then it'll probably show up here eventually.  After all, food brings us together in more ways than one and makes some part of our lives all the better.  

And, as far as I'm concerned, It's ALLL Good!  Or, at least, it has the potential to be.  What's with the 3 Ls in the name?  I'll share that a little down further down the dirt road.

So here I go, casting my inter-nets.  There's so much to do, to learn, so many good folks out there (I'm sure you're one of them) to share a virtual meal with.  So let's get acquainted - how about sharing your favorite go-to cookbook.  I'm going out on a limb here, and assuming you're addicted to cookbooks the way I am.  They lurk on shelves, drawers and even counter tops!!!  There is a chance that you may have "THE ONE"  that none of us even know about.  (insert harp music <here>) The one that never disappoints - it's more than good, it's always good.  It's the one in your will that your relatives are already kissing up to you about. 

So the one with the most cookbooks  wins, right?  I know, I know,  I should consider professional help.

Yes, there's more.  But you get the idea.

Oh, I nearly forgot - MY favorite go-to cookbook?  Well, honestly, it's hard to pick just one.  But I love my "Food to Live By" by Earthbound Farms.  It not only contains so many good recipes, it's beautifully illustrated - shouldn't all cookbooks be? 

So, thanks for hanging in there with me on my pilot post.   I look forward to hearing from you.


 much more to come....


  1. Wow it looks like you have a wonderful selection of cookbooks.Our favorite is Vintage Vicksburg but I doubt that is the Holy Grail of cookbooks.Thank you so much for this Blog it is wonderful.

    1. I'll have to take a look at that Vicksburg book. Bet it's got some good Southern cooking! Thanks for visiting!

  2. Love your blog, Stacey! You never explained the three L's in the name. ??? I need to know!

  3. It's a bit anticlimactic - It is a ridiculous combination of trying to get the name "it's all good" and "live, laugh, love." (it took me entirely too long to come up with a name) One was taken and one was way overused, but I still like the philosophy of it. So, I improvised. I didn't include this when I was writing this post because I tend to talk too much, and I figured no one would really ask, so I figured I'd mention it later. la la la :) I'd love for you to "join in".
